Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Atheist Advantage

Let's say you have a population of Jewish, Muslim, Roman Catholic, and Evangelicals in a school and they wanted to be fair and not show favortism to one particular group. You could negotiate having Winter break to cover Christmas and Hanukkah. You could include Muslim holidays as vacations. Perhaps have clergy from each at the school for support.  For the sake of argument, what if our nations population consisted of only these four groups? As far as the laws of the land go, we wouldn't give preference to any particular religion's ideas, in order to be fair. Take for instance marriage. For Evangelicals, divorce is allowed only on 2 grounds - one of which is adultery. We would not enforce that particular rule on everyone else b/c it is Evangelical specific. In order to be fair, the four groups would have to come up with various compromises.

Now, let us consider the example of atheism/secular humanism/(radical) liberalism. This/These group(s) have their own specific philosophical ideologies, which I disagree with (obviously), however they have a benefit that the other aforementioned groups do not have and what I like to call "The Atheist Advantage." Though atheists have their own unique ideas, they can promote them in schools and government under the guise of "fairness" and "tolerance" b/c they are not a formal religion! Atheist's have their own creation story (evolution), own ethics (marriage), definition of life (abortion), and obviously their own metaphysic (materialism).

So using our previous example, let's add on Atheists to the Jewish, Muslim, Roman Catholic, and Evangelical bunch. In schools and government, the push for evolution, marriage ethics, contraception (to a lesser degree), and prayer all just happen to benefit atheists. There is no compromise that I see and they are certainly not compromising their own beliefs, yet they want the rest of us to submit under their personal beliefs when they detest the idea of having our ideas become law. I think they would be angry if one groups agenda was being pushed all the way in the name of "tolerance", but they have no problem pushing their ideas on the rest.

To make this clearer, let's take Christians vs Atheists beliefs:

Christian: Traditional Marriage vs Atheists: Homosexual Marriage

Christian: Intelligent Design vs Atheists: Evolution

Christian: Pro-Life vs Atheists: Pro-Choice

The big difference between these two groups is that Christians believe in absolute truth and that marriage is between man and woman (no exceptions) and that life begins at conception. That is why it is so hard for us to budge on these topics and we are not ashamed to do so. Atheists however do not tout absolute truth, but (from what I hear anyway) is to make laws based on "tolerance, equality, and fairness" for all groups. However, as someone who holds very different views from them, it looks like they are not wanting "equality and fairness:"rather total domination. I do believe there should be compromise, for instance, I believe that homosexuals should be allowed to have civil unions and that one's partner (homosexual or straight) should be able to make health care decisions. I also believe that evolution should be taught in schools, but not as dogmatic truth (I wouldn't necessarily push teaching intelligent design even!). As for the topic of abortion there should be contraception education in schools and not just abstinence education, but furthermore there is also room for more discussions (banning 3rd trimester abortions, abortions in the case of endangerment of the mother's life, etc.). The thing that bothers me the most and the main thrust of this entry, is to point out that although atheists are promoting their own personal ideology onto the public, they are not perceived as pushing their personal beliefs b/c they are not part of an organized religion. This is what I call "The Atheist Advantage,"a benefit that neither Jews, Muslims, Roman Catholics, or Evangelicals enjoy.

[Note: Not all atheists of course, as there are many civil and open minded ones and I personally have had many fruitful discussions. Besides, I'm sure there are a number of atheists who have been bothered by a couple of evangelicals (yes, I'm including myself - sorry!)]


Brian Westley said...

Though atheists have their own unique ideas, they can promote them in schools and government under the guise of "fairness" and "tolerance" b/c they are not a formal religion!

The only idea unique to atheism is a disbelief in gods, and schools and government are not allowed to promote that (just as they aren't allowed to promote theism, even though they DO promote theism at times).

None of your later examples are atheist-specific, and there are plenty of theists who agree with e.g. gay marriage.

The Predestined Blog said...

Thanks for you comment Brian.

You are correct, however I was not making technical distinctions about the specific beliefs of atheists and if you look at the history of atheism, what it exactly entails is highly debatable.

The point I was making was that a certain group of people (namely atheists/secular humanists/materialists/and radical liberals above mentioned) have their own personal ideologies (though they may not be in a formal belief system or philosophy as Judaism, Islam, Roman Catholicism, and Evangelicalism have) and can push their OWN views. So if (I AM JUST ASSUMING AND FOR EXAMAPLES SAKE) you were pro-choice and for homosexual marriages , you could push those ideals onto the public square and not have it under the guise of "religion," but can be under "fairness" and "tolerance" b/c it is seemingly your own agenda.

On the other hand, what if I as Christian were to promote my own views, it is looked down and automatically seen as my trying to put my religious idealogies unto the public arena.

This is my main point, no one differentiates my personal views on these topics from my religious, when on the other hand, the overwhelming majority of atheists, secular humanists, and radical liberals share a common ideology, push those, and are not branded under "religion" or "personal ideology."

I am well aware there are theists that support gay marriage, but there are atheists who believe intelligent design should be discussed in public schools. However, it is clear on the specific issues I mention, what the overwhelming majority of those groups believe. Since the overwhelming majority of atheists/secular humanists/radical liberals are pro-choice, pro gay marriage, pro evolution, just b/c they do not have a codified set of laws, doesn't mean those specific ideas are associated with those groups ie you cannot in good conscious associate pro choice, pro gay marriage, pro evolution to Christianity even though some in it believe in those ideas.

The Predestined Blog said...


Since the overwhelming majority of atheists/secular humanists/radical liberals are pro-choice, pro gay marriage, pro evolution, just b/c they do not have a codified set of laws, doesn't mean these specific ideas are ***NOT*** associated with these groups ie they are closely associated with the groups.

Also you cannot in good conscious associate pro choice, pro gay marriage, pro evolution to Christianity even though some in it believe in those ideas.